RNID supported by Connevans Limited
Many normally hearing people who know or care for someone who wears a hearing aid are unaware of how much they can do to help keep the aid working at its best.
Hearing aid users rely on their aids to communicate with people around them. The hearing aid cannot keep itself clean or tell you when it needs attention. In other words...
it is important to keep your equipment clean and safe - includes...
Drying your hearing aids and cochlear implant processors improves...
a range of high quality hearing aid jewellery and security...
Hearing protection - earplugs and more! Connevans recommend...
Connevans supply a wide range of hearing aid accessories and...
Digital Amplified Stethoscopes produce a really good amplified...
a range of domes and micro tubes for BTE hearing aids without...
A range of tools to help in the day-to-day care and maintenance...
for attaching hearing aids to ears and protecting them from...