RNID supported by Connevans Limited
Now you have your hearing aids, there are lots of tools and spares available along with accessories that can help you maintain the sound quality and get the most from it.
Replacing items such as tubing and wax filters on a regular basis will make a huge difference and keep your hearing aid in tip top condition. Plus using wireless accessories in noisy/poor acoustic environments or with the telephone will dramatically improve sound quality and intelligibility.
information is now available in an app for your smartphone
Here we ask you to follow the trail below to find your specific model of hearing aid. Once there we will show you the accessories & spares that are available to work with your hearing aid and keep it in tip top condition.
We will also give you our recommendations for products to help with some common scenarios - listening with your hearing aid ... to the TV ... to a home telephone ... to a mobile phone ... listening with your hearing aid to conversations in noise or at a distance ... plus ... new for 2023 .... joining in virtual meetings (Teams, Zoom etc.) & gaming.
The trail has 3 steps:-
1) Select your hearing aid manufacturer
2) Select the hearing aid range
3) Select your specific hearing aid model.
So lets start ... please select your hearing aid manufacturer ...