RNID supported by Connevans Limited
Spares and accessories for IR Classmate & IRR-40P classroom...
The IR CLASSMATE soundfield system is a natural choice for large site mainstream school soundfield installations. Infra red systems have the advantage of requiring no radio frequency or channel planning. As the infra red signals are kept within the classroom walls there is literally no technical limit to the number of systems which may be installed on a school site.
The infra red receiver/amplifier is fitted in a secure wall mounted box similar to the fmGenie Diversity.
The IR CLASSMATE will drive up to 6 speakers, an output to external equipment and treble & basstone controls. The IR Classmate also has the same feedback control circuit as the fmGenie Diversity and the whole system provides a clear and natural listening experience. A collarworn microphone is supplied as standard with the IR CLASSMATE beltpack transmitter; an additional handheld microphone for class member participation is available as an optional extra.
IR Classmate wall mounted unit: Dimensions: 260 x 285 x 135mm.
Other relevant questions:
Are there any security issues?
It is difficult for us to categorise schools into fixed slots as each have their own individual requirements but the bottom line is if you are worried that equipment is likely to go AWOL then the secureĀ
IR Classmateis the ideal choice!
Number of speakers?
IR Classmate system will drive 4 or 6 speakers as required, depending on the size or layout of the classroom.
Is the soundfield for general mainstream use?
(rather than to cater for hearing aid users). If yes, all systems are suitable, however we'd recommend the
IR Classmate.